Tuesday, April 28, 2009

keep going!!

ok this quarter is OFFICIALLY whooping my butt. T.T

I sit here completely distracted and unable to focus...and I have a midterm tomorrow. FML.

I will note though that I have accomplished a LOT for myself that I wanted to do lately, and my goodness...I am so happy and I feel so blessed to finally feel my life moving forward. It's a scary thought and that hazy "someday when i graduate from college" is not so hazy anymore. But anywhos here's a quick pick me upper list of stuff I'm glad I finally got the chance to get around to. smiles and hugs to all those who helped.

happy stuff:
-work at a steady on campus job
-start cooking for myself on a regular basis
-choreo a whacking piece that would be used in a set
-get choreo into a set for mcia
-become part of official leadership for a team
-fulfill requirements to pick up a little(s) (the actual picking up will be soon so taking care of littles will be added after that)
-get a funky hair dye job
-fall in love with my boyfriend again
-book a trip to somewhere in the world that I've never been to
-get myself out there in aphio again
-reconnect with people
-connect on a deeper level with people i already surround myself with
-help out a friend whom i've been waiting to figure out how to help (because she never seems to need any of the help i could give)

and i guess thats just a few without getting super specific.

Thanks God and everyone for all the love, pushing, shoving, smiling, and cheering. This quarter may be kicking my butt but at least I can feel life pulling at me, and I don't feel stagnant anymore.


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