Thursday, September 4, 2008

thank you.

If I tagged you on fb and asked you to come read my blog then I have a big thank you that I really just wanted to get to you. =)

Kris Mark- Babe, I really don't know how it happened but I'm honestly blessed to have you as a friend, a best-friend in my opinion. You honestly know whenever something is up with me, and I swear we share the same brain sometimes...sorry if it's dysfunctional and what not but hey it work smost of the time. =P I hope you know that in my perfect future you make it in the big time AND you maintain your sense of self and your sweet sense of humility. This past summer you've really helped me out and whether or not you know it I'm unbelievably grateful for it. Your music makes me smile like no other, and our jokes and conversations are often highlights of my day. I'm only going to say this once, but I owe you a song, as in me singing, at least once in my life, so save it for a good occasion and try not to embarass me mmk? And in case you didn't get that, I'll sing for you ONCE as long as you're nice about it.

Diana aka Baby Girl - I remember you saying that you never would've expected us to be as close as we are now, or even have lived together but I can honestly say that there is no one else that I would rather have spent my summer with. You helped me break out of my anti-social low and feel like I wanted to be around people again rather than hiding by my lonesome like im used to. I've founda confidant in you, and someone who shares the same idea of home as I do, and living far from home like we do, I find that very comforting. I'm going to be sad as well when I won't get to call you roomie anymore. I really think we make one heck of a team and I hope that continues to be true for as long as possible because you're a ride or die for sure.

Mihir aka Twin Cubed- You sir are REMARKABLE. Never before has anyone been on the same level as me AND been so damn open about it from the start of it all as you. Everytime something happens to me, I already know that you're going to be looking out for me and checking up on me, and I already know I can trust you with my life. We talk so often and yet in both of our hectic lives we struggle to find time to actually be in each others company but I hope you know that should you ever need me to be by your side at a moments notice, I really am just a phone call away. Everything that I have ever confided to you I can trust will stay with you, and you give me your honest opinion even if it differs from mine (which isn't often since we're so alike). I'm glad I got you as a twin, and I'm glad that we'll be "stuck" with each other. lol. Thank you twin for always being one of the first to check up on me, and for staying as close as possible at all times. That means the world to me, and I hope one day I'll get the chance to show you how big of a deal that really is to me.

Czareine aka HOMEGIRL - Babe this is so long overdue, infact pretty much a year over due but thank you thank you thank you for always being right there when I needed you to be, and for holding me down like no other. You inspire me to be bold and to be brave even when you're not around or haven't been around in a while. Last year and ever since we became close, you've done such an amazing job at being my homegirl that I can honestly say you're a ride or die and mean it with full effect. I remember you once saying that you looked up to me as a big sister at times, but it's funny because often I look up to you as an ate. =) I'm glad you aren't leaving my life yet to go join the big bad real world, and I'm grateful beyond words for the fact that you are so involved in my life.

Isa - I don't know if you know it, but I owe you for reminding me about something this summer. Somehow, through our sharing of odd pasttimes, and through the efforts that we've made to stay in contact despite the distance you've helped remind me of how important family needs to be in my life. I feel like having you to connect to since we're at the same stage in our lives has really made me feel like I have more of a part in maintaining my family relationships than before. I really hope that as a family we're doing all that we need to in order to show you we care and that you're stuck with us =P. Hahaha I guess what i'm trying to get at is I LOVE YOU COUS!!! =)

Jenevieve aka ROOMIE-COOLASSMUTHAFUCKA - I am so excited to be living with you for at least the next year, this is seriously a big step for me and I'm glad that I get to share this experience with you. We've been through so much, and now we get to go through even more, YAY! I really can't believe how lucky I am to have someone as stable, reliable, trustworthy and strong as you in my life as a close friend. I can only hope that living together brings us closer. Thank you so much for coming up with a plan and finding us a beautiful home. =) As always you did your best and it shows. I'm looking forward to relaxing in my room while listening to you play away on your keyboard. Balin babes for life, forrealzies. =)

Desmond - This is probably going to seem ridiculously short compared to all the other one's I've written but I just really wanted to say thank you. Thank you for proving me wrong when I believed that I couldn't open up and let someone into my life for a while. The butterflies, smiles, hugs, and comfort that we've just begun to share show are the highlight of my life at the moment. You're amazing baby, really. =)

MCIA - I know I didn't tag everyone to read this, but I'm hoping that some of you will have read this and know that no matter what happens this coming year, MCIA will always be my first real family in soCal. Because of this team, I have been able to grow and keep growing in so many new and unusual ways. Thank you for being my high point, my low point, my strength and my challenge. There is no other group of people that holds a special place in my heart like you do. =) All love, Always.

*Long exhale* Mmmm that's about it for now, but I still have many more things on my mind that I'll probably blog about later so stay tuned, the updates I mentioned in my last entry are still on the way. I just really felt like at a high point in my life, I needed to remember why I feel so happy and show that I am grateful for all the work that other people have put into my life (whether or not they realize it). This is hardly an exhaustive list of the people that I need to thank for my current state of well being but it's a beautiful start, at least I like to think so.



helen said...

hi sami!!!!! i miss seeing you! hope you're dandy!

Anonymous said...

:) i read this when you tagged me, but i couldn't respond, but as i said before,

I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! ride or die... and thats it! :-*